6 girls 1 guy

Monday, November 03, 2008

Study Week............

Haiz........in about 2 weeks time, I'll be having my exams.

OMG..................this is the part I dreaded the most when I was in poly. During the semester, the things I was suppose to do reminded me why I chose to go and work after my poly. I just hate schooling!!!!!!!!

But no choice, this is one deision I have made so .......................I just have to cross my fingers and pray.

Btw, I've another blog of my own. it is http://fengyumang.blogspot.com/.

So anyone interested cna go take a look.

Hope to see you guys soon.

PS: Your will be graduation soon right? Congrats!


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Stress sia.......dunno how to do tutorials and assignments!!!!

Hi guys,

it's been quite a while since I last come in. Before I knew it, half of my term has gone.

Haiz..frankly speaking, I missed the days where I was working. Even though there's still an amount of stress, but.......I stilll prefer to work.

For the past few weeks, I've been trying hard to adjust to school life all over again, after 2 long years.

The doing of group projects and reading up of lectures.

Reading up............that's the things that makes me want to cry. I dun know where to get my readings from !!!!!!

My lec notes were quite vague, and all the required readings were borrowed by the other students.

Btw, I major in history. So you can guess what I'm supposed to read on.

When it comes to lectures, I understand what is being said. But when it comes to doing assignments and tutorials, I dunno how to get my answers liao.

Somebody help.........................!!!!!

Now I have to cross my fingers and pray to God to help me pass my modules.

I still prefer poly work and life. (Next time I want to go teach in poly!)

PS: Long time never see you guys. Dun because got bf then can forget friends arh.
HOpe to see more of your posts here.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a space to talk...

hi guys,

i'm just coming in to vent my frustration and probably looking for a space for me to talk...

today i made a terrible mistake..i actually forgot to upload my lab assignment (which i finished long ago) which is 6% by 11.30am!! and in the end i had to submit it under the "late submission" folder which i will get a 50% penalty for this assignment! (before deducting any wrong answers if i have).. in other words, i either get 3% for this assignment or fail this assignment la..sianzz...though 6% is only a small percentage and that there are 5 more lab assignments that can help me but they are sure going to be even more difficult to score...and i super no confident to do well in the final as well which is 60%...just hope i can pass and SU it..

I don't even know why i would forget abt this which i actually kept telling myself to remember to upload it by wed morning..i just hasn't been myself lately..right now, i'm just SO PISSED with myself.. =(



Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm accepted by NIE!!!!!!

hahahahaa...by the time I write this blog, I've been accepted by NIE degree program. Is a 4 year course.

The timing they give me to reply them is abit ............................ They actually gave me my letter via school on Monday, and they expect me to reply them that day! So can you imagine me how rush I am? I was like *#@! But finally everything is settled.

haiz..............but I got this feeling that I'm not cut out to be teacher. I feel that what I'm doing is not good enough for my class. I can't extablish a rapport wiht my class. So I believe that when I leave the school, they will be very happy. >0<

Anyway, I'll be going off soon. This july.


I'm accepted by NIE!!!!!!

hahahahaa...by the time I write this blog, I've been accepted by NIE degree program. Is a 4 year course.

The timing they give me to reply them is abit ............................ They actually gave me my letter via school on Monday, and they expect me to reply them that day! So can you imagine me how rush I am? I was like *#@! But finally everything is settled.

haiz..............but I got this feeling that I'm not cut out to be teacher. I feel that what I'm doing is not good enough for my class. I can't extablish a rapport wiht my class. So I believe that when I leave the school, they will be very happy. >0<

Anyway, I'll be going off soon. This july.


Friday, June 20, 2008

School about to start soon.............

This coming Monday will be the start of term3. Think all of you know about it. There'a a new teacher who's suppose to come and take over my class when school starts. So there I was happily preparing my stuff and handing them over to the new teacher.

Alas! haiz...............................when I thought that's the end of seeing my students, yesterday when I went back to school for meeting, they told me that i'll be taking my class back until I go NIE.

Reason: the new teacher has been accepted into the degree program, is the bridging program. (Shiya knew abt that one. her friend can't get in.) So the new teacher will only be in school for 5 weeks before she go off. So the school feel that dun want the students to see so many different teachers in a year so they ask me to take my students back.

Hahahaaha....to think that before that, I was busy passing the books and stuff to the new teacher. (Dunno I got throw away asny things that I need next term?)

So when Monday comes, I have to see my students again. Haiz.........................


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Long TIme No Blog

Hihi people...

Long time no blog!

I rem last time i blogged was last year, where I complained about my supervisor 's balck face at TPY workplace.

Wow, time flies, as 1 year has passed!

As usual, I gonna blog about my temp job this year.

This is a 1 week job at an office at United Square..(heng the location is qite accessible)

My job includes maintaining the facilities of the office.

At first I thought " aiya..1 week only...won't have anything wrong with the facilities one la.."

To my dismay, 3 incidents occurred, which I was supposed to take action on my part.

1) A metal panel fell off the ceiling and nearly hit one employee who sat just directly below it. My job was to call the landlord and contractors to find out what caused the panel to come off. In addition, have to ask for quotations frm both the landlord and contractor to inspect and realign the ceiling.

2) Power failure, which casued a trip. Again, is my job to call the electrician to come down and inspect. After inspecting, they told me some electrical terms like 'ballast' which i din even know what issit.

3) Female toilet flushing system spoil. Gotta call landrd to repair.

So basically my job is to call people to repair the facilities. And seems like need to know abit of knowledge on technical aspects..which i am totally ignorant.

And who knows within 1 week 3 troublesome incidents need my attention and follow up.

Boon Siew

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mildred is here

Hi there,
Seems like onli Caizhuang is the one blogging. The rest have either forgetten our Blog or too lazy to CREATE a new post.

I am still looking for temp job lor... I was suppose to do a 1 month job as telesurveyor..but duno what happened... cut short to only 5 days! Cut costs. So now jobless again...haahz!

See u guys soon ...

Mildred here..