6 girls 1 guy

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My 21st Birthday!!

hmm..wat can i say abt this special day...? It is simply wonderful!! I enjoyed myself alot yesterday...for the first time, i actually had a birthday party...wahaha..

Alot of pple i want to thank for making the party went so smoothly...(oops, it kind of sound like those star award "thank you" speech..haha..but i dun care...) Firstly, of course is my family...my mum and dad cooked so much food and they were really gd!! haha..becos all of u say is gd, tats why i dare to say is gd...lolx...secondly is my aunt and her family for helping me in the organisation of this party...lastly, is of course to all of u, my frens lor..haha..so glad u all turn up and some even help wif the "shelter" (thank u alex, qinghui and ruifen)...

I really appreciate all ur help and thank u all for turning up..and also all the presents that i received from all of u..i love them all!! I am really happy to celebrate this special day wif the pple i love...Thank you Forwarder, Linah, Cz, Kian ann and Wx for the earrings and the card..the msg inside was touching and funny..wahaha..

Hmm..more pics will be coming up as soon as i get the pictures from my fren... =P


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shiya's Birthday

Heyhey, today is Shiya's birthday! We took many pictures together and had a really fun time. This is one of the best birthday parties I have been cos we went to the playground with her cute nieces!
The pictures for u all to enjoy ---- :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!

To all my dear frens, Happy New Year!! May 2007 be a great year for all of u!! ;)

For those who were unable to turn up for the christmas celebration, below are some photos for u to enjoy...last year christmas (2006), only 4 of us celebrated together (me, kian ann, caizhuang and mildred)..so 2007 christmas, the 7 of us must make it k...haha...i already book u guys 1 yr in advance, so beta not give me an excuse say can't turn up hor...wahaha...

oh ya, before i forget...i wan to say thanks to linah for the wonderful and delicious chocolate cookies u made for us..it was really gd...i tink cz ate the most..haha...we just cldn't stop eating.. =P

if u have been to orchard, u'll noe where this christmas tree is (yup is at takashimaya...)

This was what me and kian ann ate at delifrance...i'm in love wif the potato from this dish..lolx

Mildred and me

caizhuang and me - we look like a couple rite..wahaha..dun worry, we are not...hehe..

caizhuang and kian ann

kian ann look gd in these pics rite:

a snap shot of caizhuang : )

ok, i guess i suck at arranging photos..anyway, i gonna leave it as it is cos these pics took ages to upload, i'm too lazy to arrange them agn..will do a better job the next time...haha..