6 girls 1 guy

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My 21st Birthday!!

hmm..wat can i say abt this special day...? It is simply wonderful!! I enjoyed myself alot yesterday...for the first time, i actually had a birthday party...wahaha..

Alot of pple i want to thank for making the party went so smoothly...(oops, it kind of sound like those star award "thank you" speech..haha..but i dun care...) Firstly, of course is my family...my mum and dad cooked so much food and they were really gd!! haha..becos all of u say is gd, tats why i dare to say is gd...lolx...secondly is my aunt and her family for helping me in the organisation of this party...lastly, is of course to all of u, my frens lor..haha..so glad u all turn up and some even help wif the "shelter" (thank u alex, qinghui and ruifen)...

I really appreciate all ur help and thank u all for turning up..and also all the presents that i received from all of u..i love them all!! I am really happy to celebrate this special day wif the pple i love...Thank you Forwarder, Linah, Cz, Kian ann and Wx for the earrings and the card..the msg inside was touching and funny..wahaha..

Hmm..more pics will be coming up as soon as i get the pictures from my fren... =P



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