6 girls 1 guy

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

bored + feeling lousy ?

today i'm not only super bored, i'm kinda sad too...

dunno why, probably i just realise i dun haf much frens? its sch holiday and yet i do not have any programs at all....am not going out....trying to find pple out but realise the frens that i'm close wif are either working or already have their own programs...at tat moment, i just feel so frustrated....is like...aargh!! sometimes just feel being forgotten.....



  • i tink tts norm....:} if you ask me, as we get older, we will be more attached to our work and partners and family and only close frens. the number of frens that u've got doesnt matter...so long u noe how to maintain tt bond u have wid ur existing frens. sounds corky but tt my two-cents.....

    By Blogger linah, at 12/12/2006 01:46:00 AM  

  • yea, u're right...of course u doesn't sound cocky..u haf just made me felt beta.. :) thks linah...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/12/2006 11:09:00 AM  

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