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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

After MOE Briefing................

Hahaahahah........thanks Mildred!

Hey...don't be disappointed. I'm suire you will have the chance to be a teacher. Who knows? Your chance will come after you graduate from NUS? And by then your starting pay as a teacher will be even higher. It's around $2K leh.

I'm happy to be selected but not very happy with the subjects I'll be teaching. English & Maths leh....... My English like half bucket one. If my students is an ABC, I think they will speck better than me! Hahaha.

I've actually wrote an email to MOE regarding about this isse.

Then they really did reply me!

They said that I don't qualify to teach Chinese, say must obtain at least an A1. haiz......
But then when I think about it: I had B3 for Eng 'O' level & a B4 for GP. This kind of results qualified to teach Pri Eng ?!

Anyway, at least I get to teach. Hahaahahha...............



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