6 girls 1 guy

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

cow with pink patches

hi guys, i too very surprise tat mildred will create a blog for us..frankly speaking, i nvr like the idea of having a blog cos was thinking why must let everyone noe so much...but well since the purpose of this blog is to keep us updated of wat's goin on among the 7 of us, i was thinking why not...hehe...

well, so why i put my heading cow wif pink patches cos guys, i'm sick!! ya, on the 2nd day of sch somemore, so unlucky...i got "hong mo"...tink the chinese noe wats tat...linah, no worry i explain...this is an illness where this person will itch all over for dunno wat reason and patches will form (like insect bites but this illness forms big big patches)... i hope u guys aren't feeling itchy rite now...haha...yup and yest was crazy for me..i itch all over and can't sit still...then i tot i look like a cow wif pink patches...wahaha...i'm gonna c doc to find out wats wrong wif me...

i hope to see more of u guys update this blog k..rem, 'keep this friendship going'...



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