6 girls 1 guy

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today's gathering was simply.....

GREAT!! I just love to have gatherings with frens...just hanging ard, sharing, crapping and laughing...

It has been a long time since i met caizhuang, roslinah and kian ann...miss u guys so much and i'm so glad all of u can turn up...it was really fun today.... ; )

Caizhuang say everyone has change a little..she say i become more 'cartoon' (likes to make fun of pple..lolx)...hmm to me, i tink only kian ann has change...becoming fitter wor and i tink u look gd wif short hair.. : )

and Wenxiu is right, we must have more of such gathering...heehee...and must keep in contact!! (this is v. impt...lolx)

Caizhuang: let's jia you together, i'm sure u'll find ur Mr Right soon.... dun worry ; )...and when u found him, u beta let me noe hor, dun let me catch u holding hands wif him (find this line familiar? wahaha...)

Kian ann: rem to take gd care of yourself in camp k...do update us more abt ur life in camp..

Roslinah: u are graduating soon and hope everything in ur life will go smoothly..and of course Selamat Hari Raya...:D



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