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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Deep Thoughts

Hi friends,

Well, I think Roslinah's definition of good friend is very accurate and it's a blessing to find such a friend. haha.. if u have found one must treasure it like a gold bar. Haha..!!

I suppose the roller coaster feeling is common for us all.. First,maybe u can first calm down and think the source of ur mood swing. Then after that, FIND SOLUTIONS.

Make agreement with urself that u want to achieve this and work towards it. As to the direction u want to head in life, I guess I also dunno where I am going. Sometimes U plan, but the goal seems further n further,then u question youself, "is this really what I am heading for? or just a temporary thing?"

... So I guess just try to know yourself better and from there, you will know what you want and work towards that direction? *dun really know what i am typing here*



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