Hey..................Where's everyone?

Yo People! Where have you guys been? Haven't seen you guys' blogs for weeks!
Been busy with exams?
Roslina: How are you? Seems like you are busy at this time as well. Hope to see your post soon!
Anyway, here's a bit of update from me.
I've found a new job; Part time one, though there's a possibility of converting to a perm.
Well, Last start from my interview.
I almost freaked out when I arrived at the office for interview. Cos' from their window displY, I could gather that they are my prev company's rivals!!!!!!!
Boy, I almost feel like fleeing the scene. I was so afraid they will know my company and hance call them up to check on my performance. Cos' in this industries, you tend to know who your rivals are.
My job scope is almost the same as my prev company. So initally, I was worried I might die again this time. But to my surprise, I kind of like my new job!
Why? Cos after starting work for about 2 days, I must say: the ppl in my prev company are not humans!
I doing almost the same thing in both companies, yet the attitude they treated me is so damn different! Haiz................
I would be happy if I'm converted to perm in this company, but alas, I'm waiting for news from MOE.
Haiz...I'm having mixed feelings abt this. If I am that fortunate to be enlisted by them, I dunno if I would take up the teaching post. I've heard stories abt how horrible students nowadays. They are not scared of their teachers n even the principals. Worse still, the parents back their child even if their child is in the wrong. How to teach like that? I think I wsould be scodling the parents myself one day.
What do you all think?
PS: I hope to see your comments on this post. So I would know you guys are still alive after your exams. And all the best! Hope that you all can pass this semester and go on to the next!
Hope to hear from you all again soon.