6 girls 1 guy

Thursday, August 24, 2006

*Oops* My mistakes....

I have left Sanden International for 3 weeks.

If I ever made grave mistakes in my work during my stay, I wouldn't know it, since I am not working there anymore. Surely my ex boss won't call me for an explanation on why I made those mistakes, right??

But the thing is, the one that replaces me is my sister. Therefore, whatever shit errors I made previously , she will call me during office hours, or bring home a pile of work, demanding me to CLEAR THE MESS.

Recently, she complained that I made a couple of mistakes. Luckily they were not grave issues, otherwise I would have been blacklisted by the HR ladies. (Erm..maybe I am already blacklisted, who knows)...

This links to another issue - my part time rice bowl.

My boss assured me that she would employ me to work part time during my school vacation.

Maybe she has taken back what she said...?

Boon Siew


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