6 girls 1 guy

Friday, August 18, 2006

updates! updates!

heylowwwwwwwwwwwwww. i just love reading our entries. ahahahahaha. btw guys, i hev a blog in case u dunno...its arianitynebula.blogspot.com......and now i dunnno where to blog...ahahaha...i guess the more personal stuff should be stored at arianitynebula uh? doink! crappy~.

supply chain paper was JUZ OK. it sux la....i rem the main points heading and explanation i crap all the way....i tink theres a lot of "responsiveness" & "efficiency"...too much of those words i wrote...hurhuhrur...juz cross my fingers for this paper. and im done wid my contact ctr notes! weeeeeee....have yet to memorise tho...:s its on mon btw. uhmmmmmmmmm

im sleepy. wanna sleep. =)

gd nite.

linah drove off her beetle.


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