6 girls 1 guy

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Long awaited gathering

GATHERING TOMORROW, 28 July 2007, 3pm..
Venue: ask around! hahaz!


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Experience matters..................

I've realised that, in the number of months that I've been with this school, experience really matters alot. The more experience you are, the more valuable you are in the education sector. Unlike the private sectors outside.

Why? Because the students can come up with all sorts of funny situations and you have to know what is the correct method of handling it, solving the problem and not hurting the students' feelings.

For the past few weeks, there's this student of mine (from last term class), the famous problematic one, have been the brunt of his classmates' complaints. It seems that he has been around touching his female classmates! The girls are so pissed off with him and they have came to me during me lesson time to complain.

I have no choice but to inform their form teacher (which is my mentor) about it and turns out that it happened during her lessons also.

The thing is, both of us have been drilling such 'sensitive' issues to the whole again and again and yet that student still does that!

My mentor explained that it's because he has no friends in class ( all dun want to friend him because of his nonsense!) so he did that to get attention.

Just now, when i went to relieve that class, the girls came up to me and sya he was touching someone again! And one girl, in order to protect her friend, went to 'molest' him back!

Oh my god! I got '2 heads' now! i was abt to tell the boy off by threatening to call the police ( that's one method my mentor teach me, to scare him) when my mentor came in. (Cos' she was not in sch at that time so ask me to relief just in case she can't get back in time)

So I told the girls to tell my mentor waht happened instead. And me standing beside, wow! I was so impressed with my mentor man!

She said she dun want to hear the word 'molest' ( cos the student may feel digusted or will hurt the boy's feelings if it's just an exaggerattion) etc. Hmmm...........i was so impressed man! That's what I call handling sensitive issues in a professional way.

For me, this kind of situation, will just pull out the boy and scold like hell liao!

So, does'nt this come with experience?

~awaitng for the time where i can be professional~

Monday, July 23, 2007

Life is Simple

Hello Friends!

How's everyone? School is re-opening soon. This is a sad news. But at the same time I'm happy becos it implies graduation day is nearing too.

Caizhuang : Are u still very stressed out with the kids? Seems like a teaching job is full of joy but also lotsa frustration..from your entries, its seems that frustration takes up a larger portion. My friend is going for foot reflexology because her legs are aching after the long hours of standing.

Kian ann: So your army mates are making fun of you just because you dont drink beer? I think they are very immature. You don't be affected by them. Just be yourself! If you dont drink, it's just your nature. All of us dont drink either..RITE LADIES?? So do you have any girlfriend? Haven't heard from you for a while.

Roslinah: How's your job? Looking for a better one? Any lobang? I wonder is a private sector job better or a govt sector job better. What do all of you all think? Post your views!

----- Mildred ------

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Earrings design

Hey gal
I found some earring designs maybe u can take them as reference...

Friday, July 20, 2007

My new Blog

Hi my frens!

How have u gals and guy been? I just took up a new hobby ----JEWELLERY MAKING!!

I know I am very backdated as people have started donkey years ago. But I think its something interesting.

Take a look at my HORRIBLE DESIGNS (its true) -- destinedpicks.blogspot.com

P.S : Kian ann if you want to woo any gals...come and order a few pairs of HORRIBLE designs from me. I think my price is really SOOOO LOW that I am making terrible losses. haha..!! But i really enjoy making.
=== Mildred here===

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My days in school...............Very Bad

I'm back to school and this time round, I'm teaching maths as well. And tell you, I want to cry and go siao liao!

The class is simply atrocious! I dun understand how come children like to walk out of their chair and run all over the place to talk to their friends when I'm still in class? I feel I'm like transparent.

And this time round, I'm teaching an important topic. Previously, I'm teaching subj like Art and Music where it's more for students lesuire. Whehter they got learn anything I dun really have to care as long I've teach. THis time round, it's an impt topic and I dun know how to teach! Almost want to cry liao. >_<
I very scared the parents will come and complain me that their kids learn nothing abt maths this term.

This week, I kept scolding the kids. Cos' they are giving me lots of nonsense!

Just today, before the sch ends, I scolded my class like dunno wat!

There's this student in this class where most of them dun like him cos he always want to be first. If he is not the first, he will scream and cry so not many people like him. Today, when I asked them to pack their things and go home, he went around the classroom screaming and chasing one of his classmates saying that's not rubbish! that's not rubbish! ( they were picking up litter at that time also) When I checked, I found out that they, on the pretext of picking up litter, went to throw his things into the dust bin as well!

Boy, I was so damn mad man! I immediately screamed and scolded the class and made things clear that I dun allow bullying in the class. They are not that great themselves!

It seems like I've to scold everyday. Very tiring leh.

I've watched 'Transformers' as well. Hahahaha......that show is good isn't it? Thought you guys not interested so I went to watch myself. >_<

I'm so stressed up this week, was thinking of watching it another time. Hahahah......................dunno if you pple want to join me?

Hope to see you guys news soon!


Worst Working Day Ever....

Today i had the worst day in the office ever in my entire working life....NOT because i was scolded by anyone, NOT because i made the biggest mistake in my work, NOT because i made anyone in the office unhappy..but is SIMPLY because i had NOTHING TO DO!! is really NOTHING TO DO k...i just stared at the computer from 1pm onwards....can u believe it?!! i told my colleagues i got nothing to do and asked them to give me something to do...however, they got nothing for me to kill my time oso...so i ended them surfing the web...but what's there to surf..and worse still i had to surf the web discreetly...it can be very torturous you know...and my eyes was like gg to pop out soon as i'm constantly staring at the computer reading blogs and short stories secretly...

Another thing is that i'm quite unhappy with the new reception guy...before this new guy came, i always get the mails in my pigeaon hole on time which means at least i'll be kept busy with the opening of letters and bills from 2pm onwards...

BUT when this new guy came, i'm not sure he is lazy to go down to collect the mails or really the mails come really that late, i cld only get the mails from 4.30pm or even 5pm...WTH.. this meant that from 1pm till the time i get these mails, i got nothing to do at all!! at this pt of time, i am serioulsy wondering if anyone in this world was bored to death cos i'm experiencing that very soon...

One last thing that is driving me crazy is the drilling work at my office here....it makes me so relunctant to come to office everyday...the construction work is so noisy and is giving me headache each day with the drilling and piling....

How i wish someone can rescue me from all these shit now....


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Update of myself

Hi everyone,

These few months I will be busy with exercise, 3 div anniversary parade and upcoming army open house. So sian. Recently, I realised that 1 of my bunk mates like to compare with other. I remembered when asked who drink beer and who don't drink, before I could reply, he already reply that I the only 1 who don't drink. But problem is he himself drinks very little, can't drinks much, still can laugh at me. The other of bunk mates say he got diabetes, can drink meh. Then he reply that at least he drink more than me. From this, I know that he don't like to be last and someone have to be the last one. When comes to doing things, he talk the loudest but do the least amount of things. But we can't say him b'cos he would emphasize that he is pes C. I sort of can't stand him liao. Worst of all, his bed is just beside me and i try not to bother him.

Last weekend, I went to watch Transformer the movie. The storyline is good and the movie is quite funny. The movie ended with the tact line"More than meet the eyes". I think I enjoyed watching the movie.

Everyone seemed so busy but remember to take care of yourself.

Kian Ann

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Movies Not To Be Missed!!

Yesterday i went to catch Transformers and i'm gonna say this movie is AWESOME!! i love everything abt this movie..the plot, the sound effects, the casts, the explosions, the transformations etc...haha...u guys really shld go catch it...this is definitely one of the best and coolest movie i've ever watched...no kidding...lolx...i'm gonna give a rating 4.5 out of 5 for this movie...

The next movie highly recommended is the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix...i've waited for so long and i just can't wait for it to be on screen this july!! haha...i'm definitely crazy over this movie... =)
