6 girls 1 guy

Thursday, August 24, 2006

- Nice to see more updated entries -

Hello Friends,
It's been a while since I've posted an entry. So let me start my lecture, here goes......

Wenxiu: Wow, from your entries you really miss Sanden alot. You can always meet up with them for e.g. go for their company outings? I am sure Helen will want you back during vacations and I think you can still go back and work after graduating from NUS. I think you will be happier because you can be 'inside' HR dept and don't need to be 'outside' receptionist.

Roslinah: Congrats on getting into Adecco. I think Lincoln was attached there the last time. I think you have projects to do during your attachment. It's a very good company to be attached too. You will have alot to write in you report. Remember to help me check a couple of things. 1) The frequency of the people 2) the job scope (is it HR- centred?) 3) what is the entry salary for us. Thanks gal!

Caizhuang: Oh dear big sister! You like that actor? OH please arrange a day to come to our school - the GREAT NUS. Why? Simply because many of the students are this type of guys (your dream guy). So make a trip down. It's very very worthwhile. *trust me*

Well,as for my updates, FINALLY we have a timetable drawn up. Although its the worst timetable ever, 5 days week and ending at 9pm on tuesday. Should be thankful that we are able to take 5 modules this sem. We must pray harder to clear these 5 modules!

Lonely Mildred


  • Yeah I do miss them lots...but too bad I gotta give the movie outing a miss, due to the timetable schedule for that day... I
    certainly hope I'll be invited to their Anuual Dinner & Dance! (Fat hope...)

    By Blogger 6 girls 1 guy, at 8/25/2006 10:58:00 AM  

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