What is L.O.V.E
Hi Hi,
I am in school now and I am suppose to be doing work..yet.. haha.. Here am I doing 'work'..
Today let's discuss a topic.. Recently around me, many of my friends have became 'single' after many years with their significant half..when I know about it, was quite shocked but sad also. Reasons being : 1) still enjoy singlehood 2) both are in different walks in life
Discussion topic: Falling in love is easy but staying in love is hard.. Agree or disagree? Comment!
I am in school now and I am suppose to be doing work..yet.. haha.. Here am I doing 'work'..
Today let's discuss a topic.. Recently around me, many of my friends have became 'single' after many years with their significant half..when I know about it, was quite shocked but sad also. Reasons being : 1) still enjoy singlehood 2) both are in different walks in life
Discussion topic: Falling in love is easy but staying in love is hard.. Agree or disagree? Comment!
My view point is that, because the couple has already been together for many years, this should indicate that her boyfriend was her first love whom she had known at a young age. So after many years of being together, she realises he's not the right one, so it results in a breakup. So, i think should meet more guys before deciding who is your Mr Right. haha..
As for "falling in love is easy", I think it's not always true. Coz my personal opinion of love is the commitment between 2 persons, and therefore to meet someone whom you love and he reciprocates is NOT EASY. So I dun tink falling in love is that easy after all. If I'm in a relationship, I will try to maintain the relationship at all costs (if I really like him). Of coz it will not be that easy to maintain a relationship, but it's also not easy to find someone who reciprocates your love. Since fate brought the both of you
together in the first place, you should treasure the affinity you have with him.
P/S: I duno whether I discussed the issue, but this is my opinion of love.
6 girls 1 guy, at 3/02/2007 10:10:00 PM
Since you said that fate has brought two strangers together and this fate can even last 50 -60 over years. Yet many people dont cherish this fate and just break becos of reasons like : No more common topic , Want back my singlehood, he/she is not the one i want.
So is relationship suppose to be full of activities and have something new every single day? or just a quiet time together is already very sufficient?
I feel that being with the one you love can be very simple. His presence is more than any form of sweet words.To be contented that you have each other by your side can bring you happiness that is hard to describe.Becos.. you never know when is the last day this fate will end....
6 girls 1 guy, at 3/02/2007 11:55:00 PM
Ya i agree!Being in a relationship doesn't mean engaging in new activities ev day. If he's by your side you will already feel contented..erm, maybe even delighted. It's a blessing.
And back to the same thing agn..muz cherish the relationship(dun break up becoz of those silly reasons)If you are not sure of what you want in the relationship, then dun even begin it.some people are not fortunate enuff to meet someone with mutual feelings. That's the most basic element in love i guess.haha..you know what and who i referring to..
6 girls 1 guy, at 3/03/2007 12:09:00 AM
Hmmm........I've never been in love before. But if I were to find one someday, I hope that he is my soulmate. Meanining, we can discuss our feelings to one another, have a heart to heart talk etc.
Cos when we are together for long time, all the romance at the start will disappear with time. What is left is your true self. We can't feed on romantic antics all the time.
I belive in fate and believe that there will be someone to share my life with me.
However, besides fate, we also must make an effort to stay together. Eg. communicate, trust, etc. Most importantly, must cherish one another. Cos evern if the other party is the one for you but you do not cherish him/her, he will still leave you eventually.
So....I agree with what BS said.
6 girls 1 guy, at 3/06/2007 09:53:00 AM
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