6 girls 1 guy

Monday, September 04, 2006


This is the 4th week of sch already and yet i still hate it......Bad Mildred abandon us in sch and went to see her Kwong Sang Woo (did i spell correctly?) at Marina Square!! Left me and boon siew stuck in the stupid computer lab passing our time, waiting for econ lecture to start (a lecture that i will nvr understand).....so obviously, u guys can see how much we hate this sch...kinda miss nyp and all of u already.. : (

anyway, hi kian ann...finally u update!! we waited so long leh...haha...so fast u are goin NS...it is this sat rite....gonna be a real man soon...wahaha....must keep us update abt u and everything that happen in NS....haha...

Huijuan, did u come to see our posts? when is ur turn to update? we miss u so much already and u have to tell us what u've been doin lately... lolx...when shall we all mit again? haha... ; )

well, now i got to go photocopy some stuff...take care guys!!

Keep updating k...dun stop... :D



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