6 girls 1 guy

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My First in Office Politics.......

Hey people.....

I'm back. Thanks for being so concern abt my work.

Recently, it's getting better. Just that I tend to make very small little mistakes, which often landed me kana scolding. But you know what, I'm the only one left from my batch! My the other colleague who was the same batch as me has left! Went on to become air stewardess of SIA.
Hmmmm.....wonder if I'm actually quite tough? Muahahaahah....

And I found out something recently. It turns out that my whole Sales department don't really like some of the senior colleagues, those from other departments. And they acted like they like one another like that. Hahahaha.....it turns out we have the common enemy. And I thought I was alone! (^o^)

So now we are like united against our enemy. (Including the one who always scold me) Funny right?

And one more thing. We have an intern in last week and guess what? She's from NYP too, taking Business Management & in Service Management! Haha.....I have a junior... tata.....

But I feel very sorry for her. Cos' my company has decided to hire her after her attachment. (she graduates after IPP). The sad thing is, her superior is my dept common enemy! And cos' her job scope is to cover some duties of my colleagues, my colleagues have decided to pass her do very difficult stuff w/o teaching her. To see how she die. ( our common enemy is in charge of teaching her. So we all waiting to see the 'product') Haiz.................she has done nothing to offend us, but cos' her boss is our enemy........Damn bad luck for her.
This is my first in office politics.

Hey Mildred, Shiya & Boon Siew, after reading your blogs, uni sounds pretty scary. Looks like me working is not a bad choice after all. MUAHAAHAHAHH...........

About Hui Juan right, she is now some sort of a childcare teacher for NTUC. She's now on trial, and has started for about 2 weeks. So we all give her our support, and that she will like her job! Go Girl!

I find that my English today sounds very funny. Hope you guys understand waht I'm saying.

Hahahaha....hope to see latest blogs soon.



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