Cheer u all up
Hey Friends,
Well, life can be so depressing at times. I am very sian this semester also. No mood to do tutorials and study. No motivation I cheer myself up by doing something veri veri Outrageous. hahaz! (i always do sudden things)..(very bad rite?)
I went to perm my hair!! SUPER CURLY LIKE MAGGI MEE LEH.. I dont think it looks nice on me.. But i am happy. Cos its something diff leh.. I look very matured i guess. Also good lah, noone will bully me. hahz!
Hope my news cheer u all up abit!!
Well, life can be so depressing at times. I am very sian this semester also. No mood to do tutorials and study. No motivation I cheer myself up by doing something veri veri Outrageous. hahaz! (i always do sudden things)..(very bad rite?)
I went to perm my hair!! SUPER CURLY LIKE MAGGI MEE LEH.. I dont think it looks nice on me.. But i am happy. Cos its something diff leh.. I look very matured i guess. Also good lah, noone will bully me. hahz!
Hope my news cheer u all up abit!!
Hahahh.......sure got cheered up after seeing your post. Think you will look so matured like a married woman!
Anyway, for my case, it turns out to be alright after all. >0<
6 girls 1 guy, at 9/21/2007 07:52:00 PM
alow u been? how is everyone? can someone email me this blog username and password? tsk. lost it lahh. forgot. huehuheuheu.
congrats to cz for going to NIE. see...ure almost there..hehehe..
linah, at 9/23/2007 02:14:00 PM
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