6 girls 1 guy

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cheer u all up

Hey Friends,
Well, life can be so depressing at times. I am very sian this semester also. No mood to do tutorials and study. No motivation lor..so I cheer myself up by doing something veri veri Outrageous. hahaz! (i always do sudden things)..(very bad rite?)

I went to perm my hair!! SUPER CURLY LIKE MAGGI MEE LEH.. I dont think it looks nice on me.. But i am happy. Cos its something diff leh.. I look very matured i guess. Also good lah, noone will bully me. hahz!

Hope my news cheer u all up abit!!



  • Hahahh.......sure got cheered up after seeing your post. Think you will look so matured like a married woman!

    Anyway, for my case, it turns out to be alright after all. >0<


    By Blogger 6 girls 1 guy, at 9/21/2007 07:52:00 PM  

  • alow guysssssssss.......how u been? how is everyone? can someone email me this blog username and password? tsk. lost it lahh. forgot. huehuheuheu.

    congrats to cz for going to NIE. see...ure almost there..hehehe..

    By Blogger linah, at 9/23/2007 02:14:00 PM  

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