6 girls 1 guy

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not going to be jobless within the next month

Referring to my previous post " Updates, updates and updates", I mentioned that I might be out of job because my contract is ending soon. However, my manager extended my contract till the end of June. So still have chance to earn $$$..hahha..

Oh ya, I learnt something.

Shiya: I think we should not "pester" them to give us jobs liao. haha.. Today I told the manager,

"I've got nothing to do, pleeeeeeeeease give me something to do..."

Immediately, she replied,

" I WILL have things for you to do.."

With that, she placed a super thick arch file on my desk....!!!!!!!

Why must I 'gey kiang' and 自讨苦吃!

So the moral of the story is : Pretend to be busy. (for lazy ppl like me, wahaha)

Results will be released soooooon.

ALL the Best to Shiya, Mildred and Wenxiu!



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