endurance is my nickname
heylow caizhuang...its only ur 8th day rite? i tink u need patience.
i hev the same thing going on for my current job...str8 to the point, i dun like call ctr and find it mundane...i feel i could do more than juz ans calls. but i just endure and keep on looking for other jobs. my working envt and colleagues and even customer are good. wat more can i ask for. only that mil said to me sometimes its better that way.
u need to be able to handle children...in a class...its tough. so if ure still alive at the end of the day, that means u finished half of the battle already. im sure day by day u'll noe the tricks and be able to manage them.
some people are born to be smart. some are not. but u can be smart if u put an effort and input. same applies to to be able to handle kids and be liked by them. some people are juz not well liked by kids. that where practice and experience comes in when ure handling kids. expecially a class of 30kids.
i take my hat off for you. coz honestly, i tink i will broke down.i've always wanted to teach but i also know i'll have this kids management thing. hehe. tuition alone i cant help cursing my tuition kids at times. but still, they're cute. akekeke.
so yeah..juz be patience and see where it leads u. give yourself time oke.
and honestly, until now i dun noe wat exactly i wanna do in life. reallie. and it sucks. ive always go with the flow. endurance is my nickname now.
how irony can my entry be.
so clan, anyone wanna go holiday? hehehe
i hev the same thing going on for my current job...str8 to the point, i dun like call ctr and find it mundane...i feel i could do more than juz ans calls. but i just endure and keep on looking for other jobs. my working envt and colleagues and even customer are good. wat more can i ask for. only that mil said to me sometimes its better that way.
u need to be able to handle children...in a class...its tough. so if ure still alive at the end of the day, that means u finished half of the battle already. im sure day by day u'll noe the tricks and be able to manage them.
some people are born to be smart. some are not. but u can be smart if u put an effort and input. same applies to to be able to handle kids and be liked by them. some people are juz not well liked by kids. that where practice and experience comes in when ure handling kids. expecially a class of 30kids.
i take my hat off for you. coz honestly, i tink i will broke down.i've always wanted to teach but i also know i'll have this kids management thing. hehe. tuition alone i cant help cursing my tuition kids at times. but still, they're cute. akekeke.
so yeah..juz be patience and see where it leads u. give yourself time oke.
and honestly, until now i dun noe wat exactly i wanna do in life. reallie. and it sucks. ive always go with the flow. endurance is my nickname now.
how irony can my entry be.
so clan, anyone wanna go holiday? hehehe
yea, HOLIDAY!! tats the first thing it came to my mind...anyway, guess all of us in this grp having hard time ar..me too..my uni life just sucks...it isn't wat i imagine it to be at all...
but lets all jia you tog k..we shall walk thru all the difficult path ahead of us...we can do it!! =)
6 girls 1 guy, at 4/04/2007 12:30:00 AM
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