6 girls 1 guy

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The most disgusting thing I've ever seen

I boarded the MRT, as usual, from Sembawang MRT Station last Friday morning . Everyone in the train seemed normal, with nothing surprising to catch my attention.

Until this man caught my full attention.

No, he's not a hunk or what.

He was scratching his private parts. YES. In public. Inside the MRT. With many peepers watching. That's already a lewd behaviour. What's worse was that the scratching was not a one-time action. Instead, he kept repeating that sick action and even smelled his hand after the scratching. (More than 10 times I would say) Many people, including me, looked at him with disgust.

There's this Indian man who was so put off by the sicko's action. From what I observed, the Indian man was about to get off his seat and warn the sicko to stop the lewd behaviour. However, before he approached him, the sicko dashed out of the train when the train reached Khatib MRT Station. A second later, he was already out of sight.

Everything resumed normal after that.

I hope I won't get to see such things again.

Boon Siew


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