--Black face (Not Me) Innocent Party (Me) --
Hi all
I'm here to update the happenings at work.
I used to enjoy working there, but recently, things have changed. Refer to the following incidents that occurred that made me displeased.
No 1: My supervisor is a 包公,erm, I should say 包婆 (coz she's a female mah..hahah). It actually refers to people who always display a black face (for NO reason), as if people owe them money or whatsoever.
Whenever I ask her about work related stuff, she would never fail to show me her charcoal face (I must clarify that I NEVER did anything wrong, merely asking for instructions about work). Not only me, but my other colleagues also agree that she has a black face. And she has serious Monday Blues , I must say it is DARK BLUE , meaning she has very serious monday blues problem.
What I wish to say to her is " If you have the guts, show your 'OR BIN' ( means black face in Hokkien) to YOUR boss lah!"
No. 2: Early on Monday morning, I was already dressed up nicely for evening's date with a friend. My mood was very good, but it was spoiled by my supervisor, whose first words to me were,
" Why you wear slippers to work huh!"
" Oh it's slippers meh? Got heels leh." I defended.
"Yes they are! You are not to wear that from 2mr onwards huh!"
Angered by her remarks, I determined not to talk to her except for work related stuff.
During lunch time, she asked me where I was going for lunch. She said she was going to lunch outside. I immediately replied
" Then I am going to have my lunch at the canteen upstairs."
The main reason was to avoid lunching with her.
She goes East, I go West. As simple as that.
No. 3: There's this Auntie in my department whom I feel she's very irresponsible. She will always say " I duno how to do" and dump her work to someone else to clear up the mess. ( Feel like pinching her face real hard man). I shall call her Auntie B in the following incident.
OK, there's this Auntie A (managerial position) who wanted Auntie B to prepare some report for her. Auntie B, as usual, said she duno how to do, and immediately pushed the work to me. Ooi Auntie, I also duno how to do leh, but bobian. While I was struggling to churn out the report for Auntie A, Auntie A was displeased and remarked (in an impatient tone)
"AIyo, like that you will take very long to do leh!"
I felt so innocent and helpless lor. I must admit, sadly, the remark was loud enough to gain attention from other departments.
Both FUCKING Aunties A and B! I was an innocent party OK!
What angered me more was the fact that this piece of assignment was ACTUALLY assigned to Auntie B ( and not me AT ALL. I wasn't supposed to be involved). It was all beacause of Auntie B's irresponsibiity that put me in hot soup.
I must bear with all the nonsense.
1 more month to go.
I am already counting down.
30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25 days . . .
I'm here to update the happenings at work.
I used to enjoy working there, but recently, things have changed. Refer to the following incidents that occurred that made me displeased.
No 1: My supervisor is a 包公,erm, I should say 包婆 (coz she's a female mah..hahah). It actually refers to people who always display a black face (for NO reason), as if people owe them money or whatsoever.
Whenever I ask her about work related stuff, she would never fail to show me her charcoal face (I must clarify that I NEVER did anything wrong, merely asking for instructions about work). Not only me, but my other colleagues also agree that she has a black face. And she has serious Monday Blues , I must say it is DARK BLUE , meaning she has very serious monday blues problem.
What I wish to say to her is " If you have the guts, show your 'OR BIN' ( means black face in Hokkien) to YOUR boss lah!"
No. 2: Early on Monday morning, I was already dressed up nicely for evening's date with a friend. My mood was very good, but it was spoiled by my supervisor, whose first words to me were,
" Why you wear slippers to work huh!"
" Oh it's slippers meh? Got heels leh." I defended.
"Yes they are! You are not to wear that from 2mr onwards huh!"
Angered by her remarks, I determined not to talk to her except for work related stuff.
During lunch time, she asked me where I was going for lunch. She said she was going to lunch outside. I immediately replied
" Then I am going to have my lunch at the canteen upstairs."
The main reason was to avoid lunching with her.
She goes East, I go West. As simple as that.
No. 3: There's this Auntie in my department whom I feel she's very irresponsible. She will always say " I duno how to do" and dump her work to someone else to clear up the mess. ( Feel like pinching her face real hard man). I shall call her Auntie B in the following incident.
OK, there's this Auntie A (managerial position) who wanted Auntie B to prepare some report for her. Auntie B, as usual, said she duno how to do, and immediately pushed the work to me. Ooi Auntie, I also duno how to do leh, but bobian. While I was struggling to churn out the report for Auntie A, Auntie A was displeased and remarked (in an impatient tone)
"AIyo, like that you will take very long to do leh!"
I felt so innocent and helpless lor. I must admit, sadly, the remark was loud enough to gain attention from other departments.
Both FUCKING Aunties A and B! I was an innocent party OK!
What angered me more was the fact that this piece of assignment was ACTUALLY assigned to Auntie B ( and not me AT ALL. I wasn't supposed to be involved). It was all beacause of Auntie B's irresponsibiity that put me in hot soup.
I must bear with all the nonsense.
1 more month to go.
I am already counting down.
30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25 days . . .
Boonsiew, haiz.....sounds like you are having a pretty bad time at work. It's like that when you are working outside. Cos the environment is very different when working outside. That's one of the reasons why I kept changing jobs. Hahaahaha............sometimes you have to see your luck when working.
All I can say is we have to learn abt office politics. There's nothing you can do abt your boss. But regarding your colleagues, you must learn to say 'no'. Cos if not, you will be the one to die first. So learn to protect yourself. Dun care if you are still new. Cos that's the stage you must learn how to protect yourself.
Sometimes, beign a newbie, it's hard to say 'no' cos you'll be scared to offend the pther party and end up pple say you dun want to learn.
That's not the way.
If they ask you to do this or that, do it. But if someone is asking you do do things when it's suppose to be them doing it, must learn how to say 'no'.
6 girls 1 guy, at 6/27/2007 10:20:00 AM
Yeah precisely. I wanted to say no, but I was afraid people may accuse I am lazy and dun want to learn.
6 girls 1 guy, at 6/27/2007 01:22:00 PM
Well said.
Anonymous, at 11/12/2008 01:24:00 AM
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